Now I can keep my head above water on a really tough day
So yesterday was not a easy day. It has been a stressful week and then I woke up with a blinding headache. I managed to eat a granola bar and take something to ease the pain and went back to bed. Even though I didn’t get up until nearly noon, I had only logged a total of 5 hours of sleep. Sleep does not come easily for me, especially restful sleep. One of the many self-care areas I am constantly working on.
The day certainly did not go as planned, I did focus on self-care for the most part. But because I have been maintaining the basic daily upkeep for dishes and laundry, I was still able to easily end my day with a clean and empty sink and even managed to change my sheets and complete a load of laundry. I did not make progress on the backlog of de-cluttering and putting things away, but my focus areas were no worse than they had been the day before.
Today was a little better. Still feeling rather stressed and depressed overall, but I did manage to work a bit on the laundry backlog of folding and putting away. I also emptied the utensil drawer that I de-cluttered the other day. I vacuumed the drawer out and then cleaned it with a damp cloth. I washed the divider trays and all of the utensils I had kept. As I arranged them back into the drawer, I laid aside some pieces that I don’t use often. These are things like small tongs like you would use with serving cheese or small hors d’oeuvres. Since I don’t use them often, I was thinking that I might get a small bin or box and put things like this in and make a list of what is there and where it’s kept so that when I do need them, I know where I’ve stored them. I also believe I will have a small box for kitchen items that I don’t think I need that I will put a date on and when that date comes, anything I’ve not retrieved and brought back into the kitchen will get donated or tossed.
Tomorrow is a new day and begins a new week. I don’t believe I will be adding a new focus area yet, but want to press harder on getting the backlog cleared more quickly. I am thinking of setting daily goals. For the kitchen I can easily designate and area/space to work through each day. I will have to consider how to designate tasks related to the laundry backlog.